Thursday, May 28, 2009


Some people don't understand why I like or love actually to ride and race dirt bikes. All the time from friends to family and even strangers ask why I do what I do. Well yes it is dangerous and it is an expensive hobby, but you compare it to auto racing and it is way cheaper and just as dangerous. I try to have all the proper safety equipment from helmet, boots, neck brace, gloves, goggles, etc but that is all I have. I don't have any seat belts or roll cage around me for protection.

Sometimes in a crash it is best to get away from the bike and sometimes you have to hold on as long as you can. Each crash has different situations and different outcomes. I am 25 years old and have only had 3 broken bones... Which only 1 was from being on a bike, another was playing football at school, and another was BMX riding. The time I broke a bone on my dirt bike was not even close to the worst crash I have ever had. I simply just washed the front end out coming into a corner and went over the bars breaking my wrist in the process.

Because of my history I only have my prospective to look at... Yes other guys I know have had countless broken bones due to riding. But the way I look at it is I would rather get hurt doing something I want to do and knowing the risk, rather than getting in a car accident on the way to work. So to everyone that wonders why, there is your reason.

Nothing beats heading to the track with your riding buddies, teaching and pushing each other. I also love trying to show off in front of my honey and baby!

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