Friday, May 29, 2009


This blogging thing is getting a little difficult. Not only am I not wanting to "blog" anymore but I am running out of ideas of what to blog about. Which is possibly the reason why I am not wanting to. I can only write or talk about things so many times. So what I am getting at is I may not blog something every day, and I know the 2 million people that read this will care.

This is an update that instead of blogging every day, it may be every other day or once a week. I don't know I am just going to go by if I have anything to write about. Not only any ideas but the time. I write these at work on my lunch break, and now is the season where I may not get enough time to blog. SO STAY OFF MY BACK AND JUST KEEP CHECKING BACK.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Some people don't understand why I like or love actually to ride and race dirt bikes. All the time from friends to family and even strangers ask why I do what I do. Well yes it is dangerous and it is an expensive hobby, but you compare it to auto racing and it is way cheaper and just as dangerous. I try to have all the proper safety equipment from helmet, boots, neck brace, gloves, goggles, etc but that is all I have. I don't have any seat belts or roll cage around me for protection.

Sometimes in a crash it is best to get away from the bike and sometimes you have to hold on as long as you can. Each crash has different situations and different outcomes. I am 25 years old and have only had 3 broken bones... Which only 1 was from being on a bike, another was playing football at school, and another was BMX riding. The time I broke a bone on my dirt bike was not even close to the worst crash I have ever had. I simply just washed the front end out coming into a corner and went over the bars breaking my wrist in the process.

Because of my history I only have my prospective to look at... Yes other guys I know have had countless broken bones due to riding. But the way I look at it is I would rather get hurt doing something I want to do and knowing the risk, rather than getting in a car accident on the way to work. So to everyone that wonders why, there is your reason.

Nothing beats heading to the track with your riding buddies, teaching and pushing each other. I also love trying to show off in front of my honey and baby!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today is the day that marks Ashley and my three year anniversary! It is really crazy thinking it has already been 3 years! Which is a good thing because it could be worse and could feel like it has been 7. I really have no complaints because she takes care of me and is the best mom to Kylee! She babies me when I am sick or hurt, and calls me out if I am being a pain in the ass, or "retarded" as she would call it.

So I dedicate this post to you honey. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate everything you do to keep the family going and me. And I <3>


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This blog crap sucks... Not only am I running out of stuff to "blog" about but it is just getting bloody boring. Last weekend was the kick start to the 09 Motocross Championship with Ryan Villopoto taking the 1-1 and overall. It was actually a good race and gives some hope that the rest of the season should be pretty good.

With Lakewood around a month away I hope it stays tight for the under the lights race. Some of the guys were complaining about lighting last year but if you payed any attention to Glenn Helen last week all the uphills and elevation changes caused horrible lighting and shadows on the track. I don't know what it was like riding either place first hand or anything but both looked like some spots were good and some were bad. Either way they need to find a way to deal with it and twist the throttle!

Other than watching the race last weekend I went swimming with Kylee who is part Mermaid and Ashley who is part Baywatch guard. I moved around the pool like an old dude that needed water rings in the 5 foot end. Although the weather got crappy it was fun and gives us something to look forward to this summer.

I also got to spend some "quality time" with Ashley which is always fun and event full but doesn't happen too often. I also tried to go riding Monday because I heard Erie had some good changes. Both Bobby and I were excited to try it out and it turned out to be a good day of riding other than the shoulder.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Well I never thought I would see the day where I sit down and watch a dancing tv contest. But the time has come and gone because the love of my life is a dancer. Yes she puts up with my weekly dose of dirt bike riding and racing, and I am starting to come around to dancing it just may take a little while.

I love watching her and Kylee dance and I could watch them everyday all day, but watching it on tv is starting to win me over. As far as me dancing.... Yea no way in hell you will ever catch me ballroom or tap dancing. But sorry to say honey I may consider some break dancing or gangsta dancing if they do that!

Well thats it for today love you babe and thanks for being my only reader!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today's post is going to be short and simple! I just want to thank everyone that has supported me with everything throughout my life. From my parents and grandparents when I was younger, to my wife and daughter now. And everyone in between there from other family members to close friends. EVERYONE has been huge influences and help to my life.

So thank you everyone (not gonna mention names cause you know who you are) for sticking by me and putting up with some bad decisions and good decisions made through my journey!

I think it was 2 Pac that said, "MUCH LOVE"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Last weekend was weekend was Ashley and Kylees dance performances! I went and they both did amazing. I will see what I can do on putting a pic of Kylee up here to check out. Other than that I ate it pretty hard yesterday and it hurts today! Well thats it sorry so short check back later for more... Typing hurts :(

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mi Familia

Sorry it has been a little bit since my last post. Have had a lot but not a lot going on lately... Yea its been kinda shitty. Today's post is going to be about family. Most everyone has some sort of family whether it is blood or just close friends.

I just wanted to let all of my family, including my closest friends that they mean a lot to me. Without all of them my life would simply be boring. I would be a hermit that stays in my house and migrates from room to room. And only gets out of the house to run to the grocery store.

Most of my family lives away from where I live which can make it hard to stay in touch. Although phone calls are most common it is still nice to try and see family members once a year. It kind of sucks that usually we see each other on bad terms, like death in the family or sickness.

We do have family that lives near us and that is also nice, but also has its downfalls. Yes it is nice to be able to drive across town and have dinner with loved ones, but it is kind of like a sibling thing if you had one growing up. Yes everything is ok for a little while but give it time and someone will be on someone elses nerves and the fight begins.

So no matter what your situation is just remember you only have so long as well as everyone else so value each moment spent with friends and family. I LOVE YOU HONEY and SWEETEST ANGEL OF MINE!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Guerrero

Growing up out of my friends I was the last one who's parents were still together and not divorced. It seemed like every one of my friends and the majority of the rest of schools parents were divorced. To me it seemed like only a matter of time until mine were divorced just like everyone else. Eventually the day did come when my parents decided to go their separate ways when I was around 9-10 years old. I lived with my mom and my sister lived with my dad, it wasn't a nasty divorce like the stories you hear.

From that point on I realized that my percentage of having a long successful marriage was not that great, but I had tried to make it a point to myself that I would only marry once and do my best not to screw it up. Yes I understand people can change through out relationships and life for that matter but the day that 2 people decide to become 1 is and should be a special day that only happens once!

And yes some people do have their reasons to end it and they are good ones like; abuse both physically and mentally or any harm brought upon the safety of the family. Just to name a couple of examples. But in today's marriage it seems like there doesn't have to be a good reason to get divorced. To me it seems like if someone "changes their mind" in the relationship that's enough to get out of it. While I on the other hand think that if you said "I do" then that means I do forever. No matter how crazy your ass gets "I do" swear to stick by you and try to work it out or get through it!

But that's just me, I have been married to Ashley coming up on 3 years and yes we have had some hard times just like everyone else. But we never just gave up on what we originally started to be the rest of our lives. By no means are we the "perfect couple" but we both have the same mind set as we entered our life together. Having children also changes the situation both good and bad, but in our case we have Kylee and no matter how bad things get we want her to have the best and normal life she can.

Being divorced can be normal but it can also be very hard for children to understand or comprehend. Anyway I can ramble on about this for a while but just remember in tough times and you are married that is your partner that you pretty much picked out! Oh and by the way I do some counseling on the side if you have any other questions!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today I am going to write about blogging. I am not sure what exactly blogging is, I don't know if myspace/facebook/tweeter are considered blogging. It makes sense to me because this is actually called "blogger" unlike those others but you do do the same thing as the others. All I pretty much do on here is write about what I am thinking or what I have done lately which is what all the others do too.

I do not understand the need to blog but my reason is money! Who cares about fame when you could have fortune! Which brings me to my next point... How can someone become famous or rich through blogging? Blogging requires hits to your site about whatever it is about! The more hits the more people will want to advertise on it. The more people want to advertise on it the higher the price to advertise, which in the end means money in your pocket.

So we got the rich part down, now comes the fame. Again someone could consider them self famous because they have 2.5 million friends on myspace, but to me that is just too much wasted time sitting there sending out 2.5 million friends request. Getting famous from blogging is more annoying than getting the reward at the end.

Now coming up with a catchy video of a song, dance, or stunt that either goes to plan or wrong now that is a good way to get famous from the web. To me this is more deserved than you "myspace celebrities" because one this is or could be a talent that someone has that is undiscovered until this amazing video. Or it was such a gnarly crash that it is awesome even knowing that someone tried to do it and lived through the crash. Think about it...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


How can a sweet little girl all the sudden turn into the devil when she is two? After my wife and I had our daughter everything went pretty normal with her as far as growth both physically and mentally. We actually thought she was quite smart getting potty trained at an early age and talking. And by potty trained I mean most times during the day she says or knows she has to go and goes on her own or with us but on the toilet. Although we do put a pull up on her at night when she sleeps, she has had this down since before she turned 2.

Lately it has seemed more that she is trying to push the limits with us and is getting her very own attitude. She has started saying NO to things you ask her to do and when she doesn't say NO she says "I don't like it". Which in her mind is the right thing to say to get out of whatever it is we are trying to get her to do.

I wouldn't say that everything she has learned or been taught is going downhill, but she has been finding new ways to push what she can and can't do. It was only a couple weeks ago that we were outside working on the yard and she decided right there in the back yard it was time to go pee. To top that Ashley called me today to tell me that she caught Kylee up on the sink of her Play Kitchen taking a pee in the sink! Man makes me wonder what she is going to do next!

No matter how bad things are or get with raising a child, it is always worth it and remember to never, ever shake a baby!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time Well Spent

Last weekend marked the end of the 08-09 Supercross Season! With Bubba taking the championship it leads one to wonder what will the outdoors have to offer? Anyway watched the Vegas finaly Saturday night with the wife, Dan, and his girlfriend Claire. Dan and I were pretty in to it with them just along for the ride!

Woke up Sunday to a happy little girl that wanted to "go to the store" and when I asked what store she answered with "Mickey Mouse Store". After deciding I couldn't resist her charm I mowed the yard and got ready to head out. We then drove to the closest "Mickey Mouse Store" we knew about. Once she was there you could tell in her eyes she was just about as excited as she gets to open presents. Which made me realize we are going to have to take Kylee to Disney World before she is too old and while she still likes all of the characters.

After we spent a fair amount of time at the store we were headed back down to Windsor to watch Scotty's Stanley Cup Hockey Match! Scotty is the exact opposite of what you would think a hockey player is. He is nice, polite, and small all opposite of what you would expect but.... Damn he can skate and play the game really well. I soon started calling him the Tazmanian Devil watching him race around the rink, taking the puck anywhere he wanted. His team ended up winning the championship which is a good thing because I told him if I went they would win.

Second day off of work started out with working for Mikey. Did the typical "clean-up", cut some braches, and installed some mulch. After working with Mikey I was off to the house to get ready to ride for the rest of the day. Man ain't it nice to be able to ride from your house? And man isn't it nice to have a loving and supporting wife who lets me! HAHA SUCKERS

Saturday, May 2, 2009


It has been just around half a year since my cousin Matt passed away in a car accident on his way to work. His death was the first one I have had to deal with having someone that close go away. Yes I have had grandparents, and friends from high school pass away but his death is and has been totally different. He was basically like my brother as we were growing up, we were within a year of age and liked to do the same things. Whether it was racing our motorcycles, playing sports, or picking on my sister we were always doing it together.

We both went skiing for the first time together and both of us hated it. We didn't know what to do and had to help each other get down the mountain. No matter what it was we were there together. As we got older my parents divorced and I moved away which led to not seeing each other as much.

We both started families and he had just started riding and racing again which meant we were seeing eachother more than we had years before. He had made some mistakes when we were teenagers but it was nice to see him happy and heading the right way. And of course he always found a way to make me laugh while we were out riding. I think about him every day since he has passed away and still even now feel like it is not real. It sucks he went away right when things where looking good for him, but I know he is in a better place waiting for the rest of us to get to the race.

I know he is going to be watching over us while he waits and he is definatley going to be watching the last supercross race tonight! Love ya and miss ya ridin homie!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Why in the hell is a lady with 14 kids becoming a celebrity? I don't understand all the publicity this lady is getting from screwing the system. Obviously she can't work and take care of 14 kids all by herself so she has hired 8 nannies to help take care of her kids. How does she pay for these nannies? Your guess is as good as mine, but I can guarantee it is not from hard work or a specialty she may have.

Anyone who has trouble supporting a family after 1, 2, or even 3 kids should probably take a look at their finances before racking up another 11 kids. If no one was to pay any attention to the stupidity of this lady she would more than likely have stopped after 6, or 7? But who am I to say, she seems like the type that would have another 15 kids, if she wasn't getting her "spotlight".

Which brings me to my next point... 8 nannies to take care of 14 kids and she doesn't even have a ligitimate job? Sounds like she is getting what she wants out of the deal. How bright are these kids futures if their mother doesn't have a job and can't take care of her own actions. By time the last kid turns 16 how many cars is she going to buy? Will they even all have cars or will she do the smart thing and hand it down the line? What about college? These kids are going to have to excel in something because I doubt they have any college tuition coming their way.

So here is what the plan should be leave the lady alone. Do not give her any attention that is not deserved. AND SOMEBODY ASK HER TO GO GET FIXED!!!!